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How do I specify the frrequency response in the look direction for the object phased.FrostBeamformer ?

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The reference journal paper by Frost ("An Algorithm for Linearly Constrained Adaptive Beamforming", Proc IEEE, August 1972) which is referenced in the Matlab help, defines the constraint in Equation 11b. The FIR for the look direction is defined by the taps in array "F". In the description of phased.FrostBeamformer in Matlab help I do not see an opportunity to specify this filter response.

Accepted Answer

Honglei Chen
Honglei Chen on 23 Nov 2015
Edited: Honglei Chen on 1 Dec 2015
In phased.FrostBeamformer, the look direction response is set to 1. If you are interested in tweak the desired responses, you may want to give phased.TimeDelayLCMVBeamformer a try. You can find the reference page at
Honglei Chen
Honglei Chen on 1 Dec 2015
Hi Roger, maybe I'm not being very clear. If you want to take full advantage of Frost's paper, you should use phased.TimeDelayLCMVBeamformer, where you can define F in the DesiredResponse property. The phased.FrostBeamformer is just a special case of the former.

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