how to crop multiple files

3 views (last 30 days)
yogesh jain
yogesh jain on 12 Oct 2015
Commented: Walter Roberson on 29 Sep 2016
hello guys , worked on triangular mask cropping of a DICOM image , here is the code -
clear all
g=imshow(I,[0 600]);
axis on
h = impoly(gca, [x,y]);
pos = wait(h);
BW = createMask(h,g);
figure,imshow(J,[0 600]);
I just want to perform this task on multiple DICOM images . used for loop but createMask is showing error about cell type data variables . what will be the approach ? please suggest me . Thank you
  1 Comment
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 12 Oct 2015
Please show your attempt with a for loop.

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Accepted Answer

Stalin Samuel
Stalin Samuel on 12 Oct 2015
for i = 1:length(fileList)
I=dicomread(fileList{i}); %fileList contains names of all dicom images
g=imshow(I,[0 600]);
axis on
h = impoly(gca, [x,y]);
pos = wait(h);
BW = createMask(h,g);
figure,imshow(J,[0 600]);
Sara Salimi
Sara Salimi on 29 Sep 2016
Edited: Sara Salimi on 29 Sep 2016
Dear Walter, thank you very much.
Question: Does cropping affect the processing and and the performance of process/calculation? I mean smoothing or derivatives?
Thanks again
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 29 Sep 2016
Generally speaking, operating on smaller matrices is faster, but for reasonably sized arrays operations like smoothing a sobel filters are pretty quick. Cropping is usually used to remove irrelevant information -- if you know that something is not part of the interesting part of the image, it is confusing to region find on it (for example might be text labels.)

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