How to generate a function which can give the transformation matrix for given DH parameters?

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I want to generate a function which can give transformation matrix for given DH parameters. The cache is the function should valid for any number of links. It means number of links are variable. Like if I want take 4 ,5 or6 any no of links it should take dh parameters for all the links and should give the final transformation matrix.

Accepted Answer

Karsh Tharyani
Karsh Tharyani on 2 Apr 2024
If you are aware about the DH parameters for your robot, you can assemble a rigidBodyTree and use the getTransform function on the tree which provides the pose of a rigidBody on the tree with respect to the tree's base body. The tree doesn't limit the number of bodies (links) or joints you can add to it.
The following example in the MathWorks Documentation: goes through this in great detail. Here are some snippets from that example that show how to use the setFixedTransform to specify the DH parameters of a rigidBodyJoint while assembling the rigidBodyTree representing a robot.
dhparams = [0 pi/2 0 0;
0.4318 0 0 0
0.0203 -pi/2 0.15005 0;
0 pi/2 0.4318 0;
0 -pi/2 0 0;
0 0 0 0];
bodies = cell(6,1);
joints = cell(6,1);
for i = 1:6
bodies{i} = rigidBody(['body' num2str(i)]);
joints{i} = rigidBodyJoint(['jnt' num2str(i)],"revolute");
bodies{i}.Joint = joints{i};
if i == 1 % Add first body to base
else % Add current body to previous body by name
-------------------- Robot: (6 bodies) Idx Body Name Joint Name Joint Type Parent Name(Idx) Children Name(s) --- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- 1 body1 jnt1 revolute base(0) body2(2) 2 body2 jnt2 revolute body1(1) body3(3) 3 body3 jnt3 revolute body2(2) body4(4) 4 body4 jnt4 revolute body3(3) body5(5) 5 body5 jnt5 revolute body4(4) body6(6) 6 body6 jnt6 revolute body5(5) --------------------
% Find the pose (4-by-4 homogeneous transformation matrix) of 'body6' with
% respect to the 'base' if the first joint position is pi/2 rad, fifth joint is at -pi/4 rad,
% and the rest are zero radians.
1.5708 0 0 0 -0.7854 0
0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 0.1501 0.7071 0.0000 0.7071 0.4521 -0.7071 -0.0000 0.7071 0.4318 0 0 0 1.0000

More Answers (1)

Pushpendra Gupta
Pushpendra Gupta on 22 Jul 2019
Edited: Pushpendra Gupta on 26 Dec 2021
syms L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
alphaa = [0,0,-90,0,+90]; % this is the alpha value for all the link
a=[L1,L2, L3, L4, L5]; % Length of the Link
d=[0,0,0,0,0]; %Offset
Q=[Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q5]; % joint angle variation
%% Transformation Matrices
for i = 1:5
switch i
case 1
T01= [cos(Q(1,i)),-sin(Q(1,i))*cosd(alphaa(1,i)),sind(alphaa(1,i))*sin(Q(1,i)),a(1,i)*cos(Q(1,i));sin(Q(1,i)),cos(Q(1,i)).*cosd(alphaa(1,i)),-sind(alphaa(1,i))*cos(Q(1,i)),sin(Q(1,i))*a(1,i);0,sind(alphaa(1,i)),cosd(alphaa(1,i)),d(1,i);0,0,0,1];
case 2
T12= [cos(Q(1,i)),-sin(Q(1,i))*cosd(alphaa(1,i)),sind(alphaa(1,i))*sin(Q(1,i)),a(1,i)*cos(Q(1,i));sin(Q(1,i)),cos(Q(1,i)).*cosd(alphaa(1,i)),-sind(alphaa(1,i))*cos(Q(1,i)),sin(Q(1,i))*a(1,i);0,sind(alphaa(1,i)),cosd(alphaa(1,i)),d(1,i);0,0,0,1];
case 3
T23= [cos(Q(1,i)),-sin(Q(1,i))*cosd(alphaa(1,i)),sind(alphaa(1,i))*sin(Q(1,i)),a(1,i)*cos(Q(1,i));sin(Q(1,i)),cos(Q(1,i)).*cosd(alphaa(1,i)),-sind(alphaa(1,i))*cos(Q(1,i)),sin(Q(1,i))*a(1,i);0,sind(alphaa(1,i)),cosd(alphaa(1,i)),d(1,i);0,0,0,1];
case 4
T34= [cos(Q(1,i)),-sin(Q(1,i))*cosd(alphaa(1,i)),sind(alphaa(1,i))*sin(Q(1,i)),a(1,i)*cos(Q(1,i));sin(Q(1,i)),cos(Q(1,i)).*cosd(alphaa(1,i)),-sind(alphaa(1,i))*cos(Q(1,i)),sin(Q(1,i))*a(1,i);0,sind(alphaa(1,i)),cosd(alphaa(1,i)),d(1,i);0,0,0,1];
case 5
T45= [cos(Q(1,i)),-sin(Q(1,i))*cosd(alphaa(1,i)),sind(alphaa(1,i))*sin(Q(1,i)),a(1,i)*cos(Q(1,i));sin(Q(1,i)),cos(Q(1,i)).*cosd(alphaa(1,i)),-sind(alphaa(1,i))*cos(Q(1,i)),sin(Q(1,i))*a(1,i);0,sind(alphaa(1,i)),cosd(alphaa(1,i)),d(1,i);0,0,0,1];
T01 % First Link with respect to base
T01 = 
T02 = T01*T12 % Second Link with respect to base
T02 = 
%% You can simplify it too
ans = 
%% you can find the position and Orientation of 5th Link with respect to Base Link using
T05 = T01*T12*T23*T34*T45;
ans = 
This is for symbolic form in case of numeric evaluation use makehgtform

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