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is bulid in dwt function of matlab round the result? if so,is there any way to change that?

1 view (last 30 days)
due to rounding i am losing some value.can i compensate it in any way?

Answers (2)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 24 Aug 2015
Give the command
format long g
and then look at your results again. Do you still observe the "rounding" ?
anika hossain
anika hossain on 25 Aug 2015
Edited: anika hossain on 25 Aug 2015
it makes .65 to 1,-.35 to 0 and many more. the most changing value is 0,after that small negative numbers.u can easily understand for a image if it is destroying 0 value that is black,then i am in big trouble...

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Maram Sharahili
Maram Sharahili on 10 Nov 2015
use the built_in matlab function for the secant algorithm to find the root of x-2^-x on [0,1] accurate to within 10^-4


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