First of all your numerator is not well settled
That mistake will be ignored. Unfortunately there's not an easy way to fix the axis limits using the bode command. However, there's a simply code that may be useful.
close all;
den=[5e-7 0.0017 1];
opts1.PhaseVisible = 'off';
opts1.YLim={[-140 -50]};
Mag=subplot(2,1,1);bodeplot(g,opts1); grid on;
opts2.MagVisible = 'off';
opts2.YLim={[-180 0]};
Phase=subplot(2,1,2);bodeplot(g,opts2); grid on; title('');
Referring to the lines of the code, you may be able to change the Magnitud and Phase, in this example [-140 50] and [-180 0] are good options.
opts1.YLim={[-140 -50]};
opts2.YLim={[-180 0]};
I advice to previously plot the Bode Diagram to determine these values and change them as you wish. The final result looks like.