Clear Filters
Clear Filters


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hi. i had lot of binary images(suppose 500) .I want them to save them in another folder ,i want to rename them and want there name to start with 1 and so on to 500 (1st image name)1 ,(Second image name) 2, so on to (Last image name) 500 .

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Hi.I had lot of binary images(suppose 500) .I want them to save them in another folder ,i want to rename them and want there name to start with 1 and so on to 500 (1st image name)1 ,(Second image name) 2, so on to (Last image name) 500 .
i am trying this ...
filename = ['Full path of new folder\','b','.tif'];
M Shujah Islam Sameem
M Shujah Islam Sameem on 29 Jun 2015
Edited: M Shujah Islam Sameem on 29 Jun 2015
i found answer by myself... srcFiles = dir('full path\*.tif');% the folder in which your images exists for i = 1 : length(srcFiles) filename = strcat('full path\',srcFiles(i).name); I = imread(filename); filename1 = ['Full path of test\New folder\',num2str(b),'.tif']; imwrite(I,filename1); b=b+1; end

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 29 Jun 2015
pathdir = 'Full path of new folder';
for b = 1 : 500
fullname = fullfile(pathdir, sprintf('%d.tiff', b));
imwrite(I, fullname);
Note that if the files already exist in the directory then you can use a routine such as in the File Exchange

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