How run the code including wiener process function

39 views (last 30 days)
salim saeed
salim saeed on 14 Dec 2024 at 9:02
Commented: Cris LaPierre on 16 Dec 2024 at 3:28
I understand the code, but I'm not sure what the mistake is or why the Wiener function is causing a problem for me. Did I define something incorrectly? When I remove the Wiener term, the code works, but it must be included.
% Parameters
n = 1;
A = 1; % Amplitude
B = 1; % Width parameter of soliton
v = 1; % Velocity of soliton
alpha = 1; % Nonlinearity parameter
beta = 0.1; % Dispersion parameter
gamma = 0.05; % Noise intensity for multiplicative noise
% Grid for xi and time
xi = linspace(-20, 20, 2000); % Spatial range in transformed coordinates
t = linspace(0, 20, 1000); % Time range
dt = t(2) - t(1); % Time step
% Define initial soliton profile (deterministic solution)
u_deterministic = abs(((tanh(0.192e3 ./ 0.35e2 .* t' + xi) - 0.1e1) .^ (0.1e1 ./ 0.4e1)) .* exp(i * (-0.3e1 .* xi - 0.8e1 * t' + (3 .* w(t) ))));
Unrecognized function or variable 'w'.
% Ensure u_deterministic has the correct dimensions (time x space)
if size(u_deterministic, 1) ~= length(t) || size(u_deterministic, 2) ~= length(xi)
error('Mismatch in dimensions of u_deterministic. Check calculations.');
% Initialize storage for the stochastic solution
u_stochastic = zeros(length(t), length(xi));
% Generate Wiener process (increments) for time
W = cumsum(sqrt(dt) * randn(size(t))); % Wiener process for each time step
W = gamma * W; % Scale Wiener process by gamma
% Time evolution
for n = 1:length(t)
% Apply the Wiener noise factor at time step n
noise_factor = 1 + W(n);
% Update solution with multiplicative noise
u_stochastic(n, :) = u_deterministic(n, :) * noise_factor;
% Plot the 3D surface of the stochastic Kudryashov soliton
surf(xi, t, u_stochastic, 'EdgeColor', 'none');
xlabel('Transformed Space (\xi)');
ylabel('Time (t)');
zlabel('Amplitude (u)');
title('Stochastic Kudryashov Soliton Solution with Multiplicative Noise (Wiener Process)');
colormap jet;

Answers (1)

Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre on 14 Dec 2024 at 15:10
You use a function - w(t) - that you do not define in your code. At least that is the error I get in this line:
u_deterministic = abs(((tanh(0.192e3 ./ 0.35e2 .* t' + xi) - 0.1e1) .^ (0.1e1 ./ 0.4e1)) .* exp(i * (-0.3e1 .* xi - 0.8e1 * t' + (3 .* w(t) ))));
Assuming that is the wiener term you are referring to, what is it? It needs to be defined, too.
salim saeed
salim saeed on 15 Dec 2024 at 9:07
Edited: salim saeed on 15 Dec 2024 at 9:10
@Cris LaPierre in begin i run don't have issue but now he give me erro which is
Warning: Error updating AxesLayoutManager.
Limits are too large.
Limits are too large.
Limits are too large.

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