Control barrier functions basic example in 1d

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I'm trying to program a basic example of a control barrier functions, for a system of 1D. The idea is that this system should not go for the negatives values .
The dynamic of my system is defined by ,
The function h that is the constinst restriction is given by , such that
The enforce condition is given by,
The question is that I don't know how to program this example, I tried with the assumption that
But my code is not working.
This is my code
%% CASE: x \in R, x can only take positive values
%time interval
t_int = 0:0.001:20;
%initial condition
x_0 = 10;
b = 0.00000001;
%differential eqation
dxdt = @(t, x) -1 - x;
[t, x] = ode45(dxdt, t_int, x_0);
% Graficar la solución
plot(t, x);
grid on;
Can someone help me?
Torsten on 14 Nov 2024
Edited: Torsten on 14 Nov 2024
I'm completely unable to follow what you try to do.
William Rose
William Rose on 14 Nov 2024
Edited: Voss on 14 Nov 2024
I agree with @Torsten. I am unable to understand the dynamics of hte system you wish to simulate. You define b in your code but uyou do not use b in the differential equation, and you do not refer to b in your explanation.
The differential equation you use in your code
is a decaying exponential which decays to x=-1, with time constant=1.
%% CASE: x \in R, x can only take positive values
%time interval
tSpan = [0,20];
%initial condition
x_0 = 10;
b = 0.00000001; % not used
%differential eqation
dxdt = @(t, x) -1 - x;
[t, x] = ode45(dxdt, tSpan, x_0);
% Graficar la solución
plot(t, x);
grid on;

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Accepted Answer

Ashok on 25 Nov 2024
Edited: Ashok on 25 Nov 2024
From the equations mentioned in the query, it seems the condition for the system is incorrectly stated as , and should instead be , where is a class-K function. Additionally, the equation , suggests that the class-K function is chosen to be .
To ensure the condition on the control input, u can be chosen as , where ρ is a positive constant. However, the below line in the shared code suggests that the constant is chosen as which is contradictory.
dxdt = @(t, x) -1 - x;
To resolve the issue, replace ‘-1’ in the above line with some positive constant. Here’s a plot showing the system response for different values of ρ.
Kindly refer the following link to read more about Barrier Certificate Enforcement:

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