Why are the checks in my custom configuration file not showing up in Model Advisor Configuration Editor?

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I have a custom configuration that has multiple checks in MATLAB R2023b. When I run the custom configuration in the Model Advisor, all checks run properly and a report is generated showing all checks. However, when opening my custom configuration file in the Model Advisor Configuration Editor, there is only a single check that gets displayed. How can I resolve this issue? 

Accepted Answer

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team on 11 Oct 2024
Each check in the "Tree" in a custom configuration has a “parent” value. A "parent" element must exist in order for its children to be displayed in the Model Advisor Configuration Editor. Ensure that for each element in the "Tree", there is an associated parent element.
You can add an element in the "Tree” with “id”: “X” where X is the "parent" value. This will ensure all checks appear in the Model Advisor Configuration Editor. Below is an example of an incorrect Model Advisor configuration JSON file with one parent and one model check. Note that the ellipses indicate key-values which have been removed for readability.

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