Error in MATLAB R2021a: Example Not Found in Specified Path

3 views (last 30 days)
when I put this line to open an example in the command section:
>> openExample('simscape/LithiumBatteryCellOneRCBranchEquivalentCircuitExample')
I am getting this message:
Error using findExample (line 22)
Example "LithiumBatteryCellOneRCBranchEquivalentCircuitExample" not found in "C:\Program
Error in openExample (line 30)
metadata = findExample(exampleId);

Answers (1)

Animesh on 28 Aug 2024
The command you are using is for MATLAB R2023b and later versions. You can use the following command to open the "Lithium Battery Cell - One RC-Branch Equivalent Circuit" example in MATLAB R2021a:
You can refer to the following MathWorks documentation for more information:


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