Function is throwing error when calling it in different script

2 views (last 30 days)
I have a function, attached, that I am calling in different script. Everytime I call it I get the error
"Local function name must be different from the script name"
I was under the impression both the script and function must have the same name? Atleast how i have my other functions working. Nonetheless, even when I resave it with a different name I cant get it to work

Answers (1)

Les Beckham
Les Beckham on 2 Jul 2024
Edited: Les Beckham on 2 Jul 2024
You have a non-comment line before the function definition starts. Thus, Matlab thinks that this is a script. Make the first line a comment, and this problem should go away. Note that the code analyzer in the editor flags this issue with red squiggles under the function name and also flags some other issues with orange squiggles. You need to fix those as well. Specifically, you can't use == to compare a character vector. You either need to use a string scalar (with double quotes, if the Master parameter that you pass in is also a string scalar) or use the strcmp function.
%Created: 7/1/24
%Latest revision
function [wl,Deg] = GtDis2wL(Master,Dist,Peak)
if Master == '2135'
alpha=2.627499; %deg
beta405=-32.0725; %deg
WL=6010; %nm
G=1197.9*10^-6; %g/nm
SnooptheEngineer on 2 Jul 2024
Edited: SnooptheEngineer on 2 Jul 2024
Loool I feel so dumb. Thats what happens when youve been starting at a screen for hours... I commpletely missed it. Can you edit your answer to remove the name at the top please? Ill select you as my answer. Thanks

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