I have obtained 3D (x,y,z) data from a Motion Capture (MoCap) system using markers placed on the subject's head and chin. The data is structured in the following format. I need to compute the Euler angles (yaw, pitch, and roll). Any assistanse in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
headFL = [data.HeadFL_X, data.HeadFL_Y, data.HeadFL_Z];
headFR = [data.HeadFR_X, data.HeadFR_Y, data.HeadFR_Z];
headBL = [data.HeadBL_X, data.HeadBL_Y, data.HeadBL_Z];
headBR = [data.HeadBR_X, data.HeadBR_Y, data.HeadBR_Z];
chin = [data.Chin_X, data.Chin_Y, data.Chin_Z];
headFL = [-97.507,-105.897,1594.74]
headFR = [-186.455,-9.66,1609.556]
headBL = [20.236,-15.579,1544.697]
headBR = [-86.745, 98.811,1557.386]
Chin = [-169.193,-74.004,1431.651]