How do I change the format of symbolic output

7 views (last 30 days)
When I type:
>> syms x y
>> solve(y-x^2,x)
I get:
ans =
[ 1/2 ]
[y ]
[ ]
[ 1/2]
[-y ]
How do I change the output format so to get MATLAB code (with * and ^), which by the way is what I used to get (before today)?
VBBV on 28 May 2024
@Peter van der Kamp use texlabel function
syms x y
sol = solve(y-x^2,x);
sol = 
solStr = texlabel(sol)
solStr = '[-{y}^{{1}/{2}}; {y}^{{1}/{2}}]'
Peter van der Kamp
Peter van der Kamp on 28 May 2024
Thanks, it's nice to know that I can turn things into tex. But it's not what I want. I'd like to define the solutions as branches of a multivalued function which I can feed back into MATLAB. Of course, this is just a simple example which I created for the issue I'm having. I used to get my answer in the following format: e.g. sqrt(5/2 + sqrt(w^2 + 9/4)) which is what I'm after. I'm using version R2022b.

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Accepted Answer

Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi on 28 May 2024
Change the symbolic preference of Type-setting as follows -
syms x y
sol = solve(y-x^2,x)
sol = 
%Preference changed (Default value is true)
%Check the output now
sol = -y^(1/2) y^(1/2)
Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi on 29 May 2024
Based on your comments, things seem to be mixed up.
Yes, reinstalling MATLAB should clear the issue.
Let us know what happens after reinstalling.
Peter van der Kamp
Peter van der Kamp on 30 May 2024
Hi Dyuman, good news here:
>> syms x y
>> solve(x-y^2,y)
ans =
After reinstalling MATLAB and restarting my computer, things are working well again. IT suggested that maybe a restart of the computer could have fixed the problem (I tend to not do that often enough, sorry).

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More Answers (1)

Ninad on 28 May 2024
Hi Peter,
If you're using MATLAB version R2016b or newer, you can use "string(sol)" to convert the solution to a string format.
For versions older than R2016b, please use "char(sol)" to achieve the same outcome.
Below is a code snippet for your reference:
>> syms x y
>> sol = solve(y-x^2,x);
>> solStr = string(sol);
>> solChar = string(sol);
>> disp(solStr)
>> disp(solChar)
I hope you find this information helpful.
  1 Comment
Peter van der Kamp
Peter van der Kamp on 28 May 2024
I'm on R2022b, when I type string(sol) I get:
Error using string
Conversion to string from sym is not possible.

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