Load DICOM image, binarize, and save a new DICOM image

7 views (last 30 days)
I load a DICOM Image and binarize it.
Then I save a new dicom image. However, the saved image is only black, and not black and white.
Here is the code:
for i = 1:length(d)
TF = startsWith(na,'Tumour');
if TF == 1
info = dicominfo(na);
greyImage = dicomread(info);
fname1 = strcat('bin_',na)
dicomwrite(BW, fname1,info);
if TF == 0
fprintf('File do not match')
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 1 May 2024
dicomwrite(BW, fname1,info);
That asks to write a dicom image using the attributes of the original image. But the attributes of the original image are potentially unsuitable for writing an image of type logical.
georgina company
georgina company on 2 May 2024
Der both,
I guess it is what Sir Roberson suggests. However, if I save the binarized image without the info when I construct the MedicalVolume it says that PatientPosition is needed.
Then, how can I construct the medical Volume?

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Accepted Answer

Karl on 2 May 2024
Two things that might help are:
  1. Convert the binarized image to type double.
  2. Redefine the minimum and maximum greyscale values in the DICOM info.
I give an example below, based on your code.
% Read and display example DICOM image.
dicom1 = 'CT-MONO2-16-ankle.dcm';
info1 = dicominfo(dicom1);
image1 = dicomread(info1);
imshow(image1, [min(image1(:)),max(image1(:))])
% Binarize image, and write to DICOM.
dicom2 = 'binarized.dcm';
bw = double(imbinarize(image1));
info1.SmallestImagePixelValue = min(bw(:));
info1.LargestImagePixelValue = max(bw(:));
% Read and display binarized image.
info2 = dicominfo(dicom2);
image2 = dicomread(info2);

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