ode45 invalid parameter 981/100

3 views (last 30 days)
Ryan Coder
Ryan Coder on 18 Apr 2024
Answered: Steven Lord on 18 Apr 2024
animate = 1; % 1 = animate, 0 = no animation
syms m L g y_0 omega t y_ddot theta theta_ddot
y = y_0*sin(omega*t)
y = 
eqn(1) = y_0*sin(omega*t) -m*g == m*y_ddot;
eqn(2) = 0.5*L*y_0*sin(theta) == ((1/12)*m*L^2)*theta_ddot;
eqn = transpose(eqn)
eqn = 
Non-Linear EOM
unknowns = solve(eqn,[y_ddot; theta_ddot]);
y_ddot = simplify(unknowns.y_ddot)
y_ddot = 
theta_ddot = simplify(unknowns.theta_ddot)
theta_ddot = 
Solving Nonlinear EOM
Make all state variables functions of time and declaring constants
L = 0.45; % Length of the Pendulum
m = 1; % Mass of the Pendulum
g = 9.81; % Gravitational Constant
y_0 = 0.005; % Initial y
omega1 = 200*pi; % 1st Omega in rad/s
omega2 = 140*pi; % 2nd Omega in rad/s
theta_0 = 5*pi/180; % Initial theta in rad
t_0 = 0; % Initial time
t_f = 10; % Final time
n = 300; % Iterations
syms theta(t) y(t) theta_dot(t) y_dot(t) theta_ddot1(t) y_ddot1(t) theta_ddot2(t) y_ddot2(t)
Substitute these symbolic functions into the EOMs. We then have MATLAB produce the EOM function using the ode command.
theta_ddot1 = subs(theta_ddot, [str2sym('omega'), str2sym('y_0'), str2sym('m'), str2sym('L'), str2sym('g')], [omega1, y_0, m, L, g])
theta_ddot1 = 
theta_ddot2 = subs(theta_ddot, [str2sym('omega'), str2sym('y_0'), str2sym('m'), str2sym('L'), str2sym('g')], [omega2, y_0, m, L, g]);
y_ddot1 = subs(y_ddot, [str2sym('omega'), str2sym('y_0'), str2sym('m'), str2sym('g')], [omega2, y_0, m, g])
y_ddot1 = 
y_ddot2 = subs(y_ddot, [str2sym('omega'), str2sym('y_0'), str2sym('m'), str2sym('g')], [omega2, y_0, m, g]);
eom1 = odeFunction([theta_dot; y_dot; theta_ddot1; y_ddot1], [theta; y; theta_dot; y_dot], g, L, m, y_0);
Error using mupadengine/feval2sym_NaNsingularity
Invalid parameter '981/100'.

Error in sym/odeFunction (line 118)
A = feval2sym_NaNsingularity(symengine, 'daetools::odeFunction', expr, vars, params{:});
%HERE is where I get the errors
eom2 = odeFunction([theta_dot; y_dot; theta_ddot2; y_ddot2], [theta; y; theta_dot; y_dot], g, L, m, y_0);
[T1 S1] = ode45(@(t,s)eom1(t, s, L, m, y_0), linspace(t_0,t_f,n), [theta_0, y_0, 0, 0]);
[T2 S2] = ode45(@(t,s)eom2(t, s, L, m, y_0), linspace(t_0,t_f,n), [theta_0, y_0, 0, 0]);

Accepted Answer

Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 18 Apr 2024
When you call odeFunction with g as part of the third input, it is not a symbolic variable. You originally defined it using syms but afterwards it was overwritten with the numeric value 9.81. Therefore it's not usable as a symbolic parameter of the system.

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