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Connecting to Sensor XCP internal error

3 views (last 30 days)
External Mode Open Protocol Connect command failed
Caused by:
  • Could not connect to target application: XCP internal error: timeout expired, in response to XCP CONNECT command
I am trying to connect to a ICM20649 IMU Sensor that is connected to an Arduino Nano that is connected over USB with Matlab.
The setup seems to be correct as I am able to communicate with the sensor via Arduino IDE and I am able to read the Temerature from a ICM20948 Arduino Library block (which seems to be similar enough) with the same Hardware settings in Matlab. That means I can communicate with the arduino from Matlab and actually read data - just not with the code from the IODeviceBuilder.
the line of code where the SPI communication is started seems to be the issue.
This does not make sense to me as this line of code is used in the Arduino IDE aswell and is working. For some reason the IODeviceBuilder App seems to have problems with sending SPI commands?

Accepted Answer

Aaron Troll
Aaron Troll on 2 May 2024
This was caused by a hardware failure where the SCL did not work.

More Answers (1)

Aditya Shah
Aditya Shah on 15 Mar 2024
Extended setup times can cause XCP external mode to fail with the error you've mentioned.
Check for any delays in the generated CPP template file and reduce them.
For debugging, use "Serial.print" to gather more insights.
Aaron Troll
Aaron Troll on 15 Mar 2024
How can I view what is printed over Serial in the external mode? The Serial Receive does not work as the COM port is used by the Monitor and Tune as far as I understood.
Aditya Shah
Aditya Shah on 15 Mar 2024
For viewing serial printouts, use the "Build, Deploy & Start" feature.
To assist further, share the generated system object files, along with the modified cpp file(generated template) and the 3p library you are using for ICM20649 IMU Sensor, for further investigation.

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