I am trying to color a box on a plot.

21 views (last 30 days)
i have a box with text in it that moves along a line on a plot. i need there to be background color in the box under the text. Right now I can only get it to show on top of the text.

Accepted Answer

Chunru on 6 Mar 2024
You can change the face color of the box:
square = rectangle('Position', [0, 0, 2.5, 15], 'EdgeColor','b','LineWidth',2,"FaceColor", "g");
You also need to change the order of box and text. MATLAB draw the object layer by layer. If you want to show text on top of box, you have to plot box first.
%% Header
% Written by C. Vogen
% Date Written:3/3/2024
% Modified: None
%% Variable Glossery
% t_start = 0; % seconds
% t_end = 10; % seconds
% x_final = 10; % meters
% y_final = 0; % meters
% g = 9.81 % m/s^2
% m = 150;
%% Code Statements
clear; clc; close all;
t_start = 0; % seconds
t_end = 10; % seconds
x_final = 10; % meters
y_final = 0; % meters
g = 9.81; % m/s^2
v_x0 = x_final/t_end; % finding initial x velocity
v_y0 = (y_final + (g*0.5*(t_end^2)))/t_end; % finding initial y velocity
m = 11;
T = zeros(m,2);
incrv = (t_end - t_start)/(m-1);
startCannon =[0,0]; endCannon = [.175,10]; % starts the cannon
Cannon = [startCannon;endCannon];
xlabel('x [m]');xlim([-1 13])
ylabel('y [m]');ylim([0 150])
hold on
Color_start = [.25 .25 .25];
Color_end = [1 1 0];
Color_incv = (Color_end - Color_start)/(m-1);
square = rectangle('Position', [0, 0, 2.5, 15], 'EdgeColor','b','LineWidth',2,"FaceColor", "g");
flag_text = text(0, 0, '', 'HorizontalAlignment', 'left','VerticalAlignment','bottom', 'FontWeight', 'bold');
for i = 1:m
t = t_start +(i-1)*incrv;
x = v_x0 * t;
y = (v_y0 * t) - ((g * t^2)/2);
Color = Color_start +(i-1)*Color_incv;
if i>1
delete(ball) % removing the previous marker
delete(line) % removes the line connecting the box to the point
ball = plot(x,y,'o','MarkerFaceColor','r'); % plotting inside the loop
set(ball, 'XData',x, 'YData',y)
set(flag_text, 'Position', [x+0.2, 30], 'String', {['X: ', num2str(x)], ['Y: ', num2str(y)],['I: ', num2str(i)],['T: ',num2str(t)]})
set(square, 'Position', [x, 25, 2.5, 38]);
line = plot([x,x],[0,30],'b','LineWidth',2);
axis normal
title('Visual Loop')
xlabel('x [m]');xlim([-1 13])
ylabel('y [m]');ylim([0 150])
grid on

More Answers (1)

Chunru on 6 Mar 2024
Try the following
an = annotation("textbox", "Color", "r", "BackgroundColor", "g", "String", "Text Box");
for i=0:0.01:0.9
an.Position= [i, 0.5, 0.1, 0.1];
Charlie on 6 Mar 2024
I'll just send the whole code
%% Header
% Written by C. Vogen
% Date Written:3/3/2024
% Modified: None
%% Variable Glossery
% t_start = 0; % seconds
% t_end = 10; % seconds
% x_final = 10; % meters
% y_final = 0; % meters
% g = 9.81 % m/s^2
% m = 150;
%% Code Statements
clear; clc; close all;
t_start = 0; % seconds
t_end = 10; % seconds
x_final = 10; % meters
y_final = 0; % meters
g = 9.81; % m/s^2
v_x0 = x_final/t_end; % finding initial x velocity
v_y0 = (y_final + (g*0.5*(t_end^2)))/t_end; % finding initial y velocity
m = 11;
T = zeros(m,2);
incrv = (t_end - t_start)/(m-1);
startCannon =[0,0]; endCannon = [.175,10]; % starts the cannon
Cannon = [startCannon;endCannon];
xlabel('x [m]');xlim([-1 13])
ylabel('y [m]');ylim([0 150])
hold on
flag_text = text(0, 0, '', 'HorizontalAlignment', 'left','VerticalAlignment','bottom', 'FontWeight', 'bold');
Color_start = [.25 .25 .25];
Color_end = [1 1 0];
Color_incv = (Color_end - Color_start)/(m-1);
square = rectangle('Position', [0, 0, 2.5, 15], 'EdgeColor','b','LineWidth',2);
for i = 1:m
t = t_start +(i-1)*incrv;
x = v_x0 * t;
y = (v_y0 * t) - ((g * t^2)/2);
Color = Color_start +(i-1)*Color_incv;
if i>1
delete(ball) % removing the previous marker
delete(line) % removes the line connecting the box to the point
ball = plot(x,y,'o','MarkerFaceColor','r'); % plotting inside the loop
set(ball, 'XData',x, 'YData',y)
set(flag_text, 'Position', [x+0.2, 30], 'String', {['X: ', num2str(x)], ['Y: ', num2str(y)],['I: ', num2str(i)],['T: ',num2str(t)]})
set(square, 'Position', [x, 25, 2.5, 38]);
line = plot([x,x],[0,30],'b','LineWidth',2);
axis normal
title('Visual Loop')
xlabel('x [m]');xlim([-1 13])
ylabel('y [m]');ylim([0 150])
grid on

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