applying force on the end effector will influence others joints?

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Does employing the `externalForce` function, as in `fext = externalForce(rbt,"endEffector", [0 0 0 0 0 50], pickUpConfig)`, imply that the force is specifically applied along the z-axis of the end effector but will also have effects on the other joints? Moreover, if I use inverse dynamics to obtain the torques for each joint, will these torques be influenced by the force applied to the end effector using the mentioned function? Any suggestions?

Accepted Answer

Karsh Tharyani
Karsh Tharyani on 4 Mar 2024
Hi Denizhan,
Yes, you are correct. An external force input to the inverse dynamics function implies that the reaction forces at the joints will propogate and can affect the values of the joint torques to counteract the external force.
If you have any further follow-up questions, or if you find the response is unclear, I would suggest that you send a reproducible of your asserted hypothesis and any unexpected results that you see from the output of inverseDynamics to MathWorks Technical Support.

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