fitting a polynomial function to data points and ploting it

6 views (last 30 days)
Hi all
I want to fit a quadratic function to a data serie in MATLAB and calculate determination coefficient (R2) as well as quadratic desired outputs are as below: - scatter plot of data serie i.e. (x, y) - plot of quadratic fitting - quadratic equation - determination coefficient (R2) Could you please guide me. thanks

Accepted Answer

Richard Willey
Richard Willey on 7 Nov 2011
If you have Curve Fitting Toolbox, you can generate everything you need as follows
X = 1:100;
X = X';
Y = X.^2 + 3*X + 5 + randn(100,1);
[foo Gof] = fit(X,Y, 'poly2')
hold on

More Answers (1)

Pawel Blaszczyk
Pawel Blaszczyk on 7 Nov 2011
doc polyfit
doc polyval
I think this two function will be enoguh :)


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