Just trying to play around with the code here, I am trying to added in parameters to get FR2 instead of FR1 but it isnt working. I know I need to change SCS but I seem to be doing it wrong:
scs1 = nrSCSCarrierConfig;
scs2 = nrSCSCarrierConfig('SubcarrierSpacing',60,'NSizeGrid',275);
waveconfig = nrDLCarrierConfig('FrequencyRange','FR2','SCSCarriers', {scs1,scs2},'ChannelBandwidth',60);
%waveconfig.PDSCH{1}.PRBSet = 0:10;
%waveconfig.ChannelBandwidth = 60;
[waveform,waveformInfo] = nrWaveformGenerator(waveconfig);
% Plot spectrogram of waveform for first antenna port
samplerate = waveformInfo.ResourceGrids(1).Info.SampleRate;
nfft = waveformInfo.ResourceGrids(1).Info.Nfft;
title('Spectrogram of 5G Downlink Baseband Waveform');
Is there somewhere with an example? Or can someone please help guide me?