extract data and lat/lon for tif file in matlab

13 views (last 30 days)
I have attached tif file and I want to extract lat/lon and its coordinate data in matlab. Note that the matlab version I am using is R2020a. Could someone please help me with that?

Answers (1)

Udit06 on 16 Nov 2023
Hi Seyedeh,
I understand that you want to extract the data stored in .tif file using MATLAB and you already know how to extract the latitude and longitude. If you want to extract the spatial referencing information for the file along with the actual data stored in the .tif file, you can use "readgeoraster" function otherwise you can simply read the data stored using the "imread" function.
You can refer to the following MathWorks documentation to understand more about "readgeoraster" and "imread" functions respectively.
I hope this helps.

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