I try to set up TCP/IP connection for MATLAB : tcpserver and tcpclient function can work normally (IP address : 'localhost' ,Port : 4000)
Similarly, Simulink side, TCP/IP Client Send and TCP/IP Client Receive blocks can work normally (IP address : 'localhost' ,Port : 4000) and using echotcpip('on',4000) to create server.
I want to create the TCP/IP conncetion to send the data by using TCP/IP function (tcpserver ,tcpclient, etc.) to Simulink side by using TCP/IP Client Receive block.
Note that I want to set up command window is Tx and Simulink is Rx.
Thus, command window side use tcpserver("localhost",4000) to create TCP/IP connection. However, the TCP/IP Client Receive block at Simulink side doesn't receive the data and show ERROR : Cannot create a communication link with the remote server.
How can I set up to send the data from command window to Simulink using TCP/IP connection ?
Thanks for your answer.