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I need to put this block diagram in MATLAB (not in Simulink) and I do not know how to do it

1 view (last 30 days)
This is the diagram
And this is what I've got so far in code:
s = tf('s');
s1 = tf(1, [1 4]);
s2 = tf(1, 1);
s3 = tf(1, [1 0 9]);
s4 = 10;
s5 = 12;
s6 = tf([1 6],1);

Answers (2)

Paul on 9 Oct 2023
Hi Carlos,
Recheck the definiton of s2. Once you have that taken care of, I suggest you proceed with connect.
Carlos Puente
Carlos Puente on 9 Oct 2023
Edited: Carlos Puente on 9 Oct 2023
I've redefined the blocks as shown in the image to use the connect function in Matlab more easily, but I don't know if what I'm doing is correct.
A.InputName = 'H';
A.OutputName = 'HA';
B.InputName = 'F';
B.OutputName = 'BF';
C.InputName = 'BF';
C.OutputName = 'Y';
D.InputName = 'Y';
D.OutputName = 'DY';
G.InputName = 'BF';
G.OutputName = 'GBF';
J.InputName = 'Y';
J.OutputName = 'JY';
S1 = sumblk('E = R - JY');
S2 = sumblk('H = E - GBF');
S3 = sumblk('F = HA - DY');
T = connect(A, B, C, D, G, J, S1, S2, S3, "R", "Y")
Paul on 9 Oct 2023
Edited: Paul on 9 Oct 2023
That actually looks like it might be correct, assuing that A,B,C,D,G, and J have been defined properly. Can't tell for sure unless you post the complete code. T might be in the descriptor form because J(s) is improper (higher order numerator than denominator), but T can changed to tf or zpk form with tf(T) or zpk(T) respectively, and from there changed back to state space form if desired.

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Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 9 Oct 2023
When utilizing the syntax s = tf('s') to establish a special variable 's', you gain the ability to directly formulate rational expressions for the creation of transfer function models. Employing a rational expression proves to be more intuitive, particularly when handling high-order transfer functions. Furthermore, it is advisable to generate dynamical model objects, with the 'tf' class being one of the viable options in this regard.
Proceed as @Paul guided you via the following link:
s = tf('s');
s1 = 1/(s + 4)
s1 = 1 ----- s + 4 Continuous-time transfer function.
s2 = 1/s
s2 = 1 - s Continuous-time transfer function.
s3 = 1/(s^2 + 9)
s3 = 1 ------- s^2 + 9 Continuous-time transfer function.
s4 = tf(10)
s4 = 10 Static gain.
s4a = 10 % test subject
s4a = 10
s5 = tf(12)
s5 = 12 Static gain.
s6 = s + 6
s6 = s + 6 Continuous-time transfer function.
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes cmdout 1x33 66 char s 1x1 1281 tf s1 1x1 1281 tf s2 1x1 1281 tf s3 1x1 1297 tf s4 1x1 1265 tf s4a 1x1 8 double s5 1x1 1265 tf s6 1x1 1281 tf


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