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Matlab code for numerical inversion of Laplace concentration and plot curve : concentration versus Time, Space and both

1 view (last 30 days)
I obtained a concentration on a solute in 1D transport using the Laplace transform with respect to Time. I would like to numerically invert the concentration toi the time domain ans plot concentration versus Time, position and both. Please i need a MATLAB code for this.
William Rose
William Rose on 18 Sep 2023
This look slike a homework problem. Please show an attempt: some Matlab code. Then tell us what error message you get, or why you think your code doesn't give the right answer.
If x=0, the exression simplifies:
I would start with that simpler case, which still looks complicated to me.
Thomas TJOCK-MBAGA on 18 Sep 2023
Moved: Dyuman Joshi on 20 Sep 2023
I have the following code but it work only for time dependant function. I would like to modify it toi take into account the space variable

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