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Stop the simulation without issuing an error

2 views (last 30 days)
reza hakimi
reza hakimi on 16 Sep 2023
Answered: Divyanshu on 25 Sep 2023
I implemented a wind turbine with bldc generator in Simulink software.
The program starts to simulate without any error, but after 20% of the simulation, the simulation process stops so that no error is issued and the graphs and simulation time remain at the same stage.
What is the cause of this problem and how can I solve this problem?
  1 Comment
reza hakimi
reza hakimi on 24 Sep 2023
Hello again
In the simulation, I came to the conclusion that this problem does not occur when I step up the wind speed input
But if the speed has to increase in the form of a ramp, this happens, what could be the reason?

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Answers (1)

Divyanshu on 25 Sep 2023
Hi Reza,
I understand from the description and the comment, that the simulation is not getting completed when using ramp signal as an input. However, when step signal is used the model simulates to completion.
Few possible reasons and workarounds for such an issue are:
  • Solver Settings may not be suitable for ramp input signal, try adjusting certain settings like solver type, step size etc.
  • The configuration of the model might not be appropriate. There may be few blocks and subsystems which are not configured to handle continuous signals like ramp signal, try to update those blocks.
Refer the following documentation for further details on types of solvers:


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