Can Parameter Estimator add breakpoints to a lookup table?

1 view (last 30 days)
I am working with a table based block in constructing my model, and expect to have a large number of breakpoints in the final optimized version. Is the Parameter Estimator tool capable of adding more breakpints to a table? Or do I need to include all of the breakpoints in my initial guess to then be adjusted by the Estimator?

Answers (1)

Balaji on 22 Sep 2023
Hi Ronan
The Parameter Estimator tool in Simulink is designed to optimize the values of existing parameters in a model based on input-output data. It does not have the capability to automatically add or modify breakpoints in a table-based block.
If you expect to have many breakpoints in the final optimized version of your table, you typically need to include all the desired breakpoints in your initial guess.
I suggest you refer to the following link for more information on parameter estimation:
Hope this helps


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