matlab live script support run Python language directly

14 views (last 30 days)
Luckily Mathworks has started to focus on the interaction between MATLAB and python in the last few years, rather than comparing their strengths and weaknesses, e.g. the github open-source board "matlab+python" in order to support Python users, and the documentation has been updated a lot.
But what I would like to see is to use matlab live script(mlx file) to write python source code directly (code highlighting, smart completion hints, help files, etc.), which has the advantage of being able to debug and run through the python code in a unified MATLAB environment instead of debugging and running through the python code in some python IDE environment and then passing it through pyrun , pyrunfile and other functions indirectly called.

Accepted Answer

cui,xingxing on 24 Aug 2023
Edited: cui,xingxing on 27 Apr 2024
I now believe that the above "new feature" cannot be integrated into future versions of MATLAB because it does not follow the logic of the MATLAB design philosophy. If you can write/run python directly in mlx files, MATLAB can actually be used as a python IDE, and even then, if you change it to C/C++ and provide compiler paths, it will be a C/C++ IDE with a few frills, but for so many years, MATLAB has been an IDE only for itself.
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More Answers (1)

Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre on 24 Aug 2023
This is a community help forum. The best place to send suggestions to MathWorks is here:
  • Select 'Create Service Request'
  • Then select 'Technical Support: Installation, product help, bugs, suggestions, documentation errors, outages'




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