how add "$" and "' ' " in array string
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>> T(:,2)
ans =
19×1 string array
i want display this uitable app designer (i want $ and ' for separator 000)
"$ 139'411.39"
"$ 115'944.39"
on 16 Aug 2023
For negative values, do you want the minus sign before or after the dollar sign? That is, should it be "-$43385.61" or "$-43385.61"?
Answers (3)
Dyuman Joshi
on 16 Aug 2023
Edited: Dyuman Joshi
on 16 Aug 2023
T = ["139411.39"
%Split into integer part and decimal part
T = split(T,".");
%Add apostrophe for thousand's place in the integer part
%as mentioned in the problem statement
T(:,1) = regexprep(T(:,1),'(\d+)(\d{3})$',"$1'$2");
%Join the table by columns
%and add the Dollar sign
T = "$ " + join(T,".",2)
on 17 Aug 2023
Note that this code includes at most one apostrophe, i.e. it misses the apostrophes for values >=1e6:
prof = 9876543210;
T1 = string(fix(prof));
T2 = erase(compose("%g",mod(prof,1)),"0.");
%Add separator for thousand place
T1 = regexprep(T1,'(\d+)(\d{3})$',"$1'$2");
%join the strings
out = "$ "+ T1 + "." + T2
Dyuman Joshi
on 17 Aug 2023
@Stephen23, Yes I am aware of that, as that is what OP has stated in the problem above and I have mentioned that in the comment as well.
In case OP wants to have separator for every thousand's place, this would be a simple approach -
prof = [9873210.123 123456 -randi([1e8 1e9])/1e3 -0.2357 6.66 0.42069]';
T1 = fix(prof);
T2 = erase(string(abs(prof - T1)),"0.");
out = "$ "+arrayfun(@ThousandSep, T1)+"."+T2
function out = ThousandSep(in)
%THOUSANDSEP adds thousands Separators to a 1x1 array.
import java.text.*
v = DecimalFormat;
out = replace(string(v.format(in)),",", "'");
Mrutyunjaya Hiremath
on 16 Aug 2023
% Sample data
T = [
% Convert to numerical array
T_num = str2double(T);
% Format the numbers with custom formatting
formattedData = strings(size(T));
for i = 1:length(T_num)
if T_num(i) >= 0
formattedData(i) = sprintf("$ %d,%03d.%02d", floor(T_num(i)/1000), mod(floor(T_num(i)),1000), round(100*mod(T_num(i),1)));
T_abs = abs(T_num(i));
formattedData(i) = sprintf("-$ %d,%03d.%02d", floor(T_abs/1000), mod(floor(T_abs),1000), round(100*mod(T_abs,1)));
% Suppose 'app' is your app struct and 'UITable' is the name of your uitable component
% You can set the Data property as follows:
app.UITable.Data = formattedData;
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