Plotting a sine wave going wrong

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Bhargava on 1 Jul 2023
Answered: Image Analyst on 1 Jul 2023
So I am trying to plot a simple sine wave, and I used the code recommended here.
% Constants
fs = 8000; % Sample rate (Hz)
duration = 1; % Duration of the signal (seconds)
frequency = 3000; % Frequency of the sine wave (Hz)
% Time vector
t = 0:1/fs:duration-1/fs;
% Generate the sine wave
x = sin(2*pi*frequency*t);
% Plot the sine wave
plot(t, x);
xlabel('Time (s)');
title('Sine Wave');
But it is a very weird plot. Why is that happening?
Here's the full plot for reference:

Answers (2)

Ishit on 1 Jul 2023
Edited: Ishit on 1 Jul 2023
Hi Bhargava,
This is beacuse of high frequency.
Increasing the frequency of a sine plot leads to a higher number of oscillations. And thus these lines seems to overlap.
In figure below you can observe as term inside of sin increases, the period decreases.

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 1 Jul 2023
You're plotting so many cycles that the blue curves all overlap and make the plot solid. Either plot fewer points, or use the zoom tool to zoom way in.


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