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How can i generate an array of integers that is more dense around a certain value?

27 views (last 30 days)
Hi all, I hope that someone could help me. I need to generate a vector of positive integers in a certain range (let say 1 and 100) linearly spaced that is more dense (aka has more points) around a certain value (let say 60).
EDIT: I need this vector as a range for a for loop. Thus it must not include any repetitions.
I tried to code like this but the following code is not very efficient neither robust to changes in the parameter choice:
M = 10000;
ending_point = 0.01*M;
density_sample = 5;
starting_point = 1;
num_roots_gin = 60;
quantity1 = round(0.5*num_roots_gin);
array = [starting_point:density_sample:ending_point];
tol = 3; %must be less than density
[ff,gg] = find(abs(vettore-num_roots_gin)<tol);
array2 = [(num_roots_gin-quantity1):(num_roots_gin+quantity1)];
array_fin = [array(1:ff-1) array2 array(ff+1:end)];
Camilla Ancona
Camilla Ancona on 27 Jun 2023
Of course i will explain! Given the standard structure of the for loop in MATLAB
for index = values
this integer valued array will be used as "values" thus it must be an increment index by the value step on each iteration.
I need this vector to be more dense around a specific value because this for loop solves a very long optimization problem so I need to solve it with a smaller step only in a neighborhood of a certain value that I know that it is a threshold for seeing an interesting phenomena. On the other hans, the other points far from this specific value or threshold, are still important but can be analyzed by means of a bigger step as I do not expect any macroscopic differences in the solutions of the optimization problem for that values. I hope it is more clear now.
Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 27 Jun 2023
So are you calling your optimizer multiple times, first to identify the broad region where your solution lies then later to localize the solution even further? Like using your optimizer to find what state contains the answer, then using it again to find which city in that state has the answer, then what neighborhood in the city, then what street in the neighborhood, etc.?
It's still not completely clear to me over what you're iterating and why those need to be integer values. If what I described in the first paragraph of my comment is close I'd call the optimizer once with a very coarse set of tolerances (say an absolute tolerance of 1) then call it over and over again, using the final result from the previous optimizer call as the initial guess for the next optimizer call with progressively smaller tolerances (switching to an absolute tolerance of 1e-2, then 1e-4, then 1e-8, etc.)

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Accepted Answer

DGM on 27 Jun 2023
Edited: DGM on 27 Jun 2023
The example you gave doesn't seem to do what you describe. Is this more what you're looking for?
M = 10000;
ending_point = 0.01*M;
starting_point = 1;
density_sample = 5;
num_roots_gin = 60;
% half-width of high-density window
% this is the number of low-density samples on each side of the point of interest (>=1)
halfw = 2;
array = starting_point:density_sample:ending_point; % low-density linear series
[~,gg] = min(abs(array-num_roots_gin)); % find the index of the element closest to target
array2 = array(gg-halfw):array(gg+halfw); % max density linear segment between adjacent elements
array_fin = [array(1:gg-1-halfw) array2 array(gg+1+halfw:end)]
array_fin = 1×36
1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
plot(array_fin,'.-'); hold on
This doesn't ensure that the high-density segment is exactly centered on the point of interest, but it's not clear that it's necessary. Also, I haven't done anything to safeguard against the window hanging off the end of the low-density series (causing an indexing error).

More Answers (1)

John D'Errico
John D'Errico on 27 Jun 2023
Honestly, you could probably do something using an optimization. But using an optimization technique to solve this seems to be the equivalent of using a Mack truck to carry a pea to Boston - wild overkill. I'd formulate an objective function that would push the vector to have as uniform a spacing as possible, but also would "encourage" more points near the target, while also forcing the solution to be entirely integer. UGH. In fact, UGH squared. It just seems like an ugly way to generate a vector that has the properties you want.




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