merge multiple csv or xls files with different row and columns

17 views (last 30 days)
Hello guys, i need help to do what describe in title. I have multiple csv files, with different rows and columns and i need to merge them in one single csv file. I don't know at all what to do.
I have created csv files, but if you think it's better dealing with xls files, i can also create them as xls.
However, whatever type they are, at the end i need to have just one single file (csv or xls).
Stephen23 on 26 May 2023
Isn't this something that WRITEMATRIX/WRITECELL/etal's RANGE option should be able to handle?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 26 May 2023
Not when you are writing to a csv file. To add columns to a csv file, the (internal) code would have to read the entire file, insert the new values, and write out the result. As opposed to xls files which can be updated in-place.

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Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 25 May 2023
readcell() each file. Carefully concatenate them together
newrows = size(NewCell,1); newcols = size(NewCell,2);
AllCell(1:newrows, end:end+newcols) = NewCell;
afterwards writecell(AllCell)
dpb on 26 May 2023
% simulate some data returned from readcell
c = 1×3 cell array
{4×3 cell} {1×1 cell} {3×2 cell}
Assume we catenate the return from readcell as above
writecell(c, "Combined.csv") % write it out
Error using writecell
Nested cell arrays are not supported.
I don't see any magic elixir here that would work without more effort. One could write a spreadsheet file by writing each file separately to the next available columns with the 'range' argument, but would have to keep running total of number columns written already.
It still doesn't make much sense to me to put such data together this way...
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 26 May 2023
% simulate some data returned from readcell
c = 1×3 cell array
{4×3 cell} {1×1 cell} {3×2 cell}
for i=1:3
[nr,nc]=size(c{i}); % readcell returns a nxm cell array
A = 4×3 cell array
{[0.7031]} {[0.1522]} {[0.8339]} {[0.0438]} {[0.9413]} {[0.5937]} {[0.2233]} {[0.5167]} {[0.3666]} {[0.9291]} {[0.7885]} {[0.6691]}
A = 4×4 cell array
{[0.7031]} {[0.1522]} {[0.8339]} {[ 0.3683]} {[0.0438]} {[0.9413]} {[0.5937]} {0×0 double} {[0.2233]} {[0.5167]} {[0.3666]} {0×0 double} {[0.9291]} {[0.7885]} {[0.6691]} {0×0 double}
A = 4×6 cell array
{[0.7031]} {[0.1522]} {[0.8339]} {[ 0.3683]} {[ 0.1050]} {[ 0.4291]} {[0.0438]} {[0.9413]} {[0.5937]} {0×0 double} {[ 0.4317]} {[ 0.6401]} {[0.2233]} {[0.5167]} {[0.3666]} {0×0 double} {[ 0.4467]} {[ 0.6084]} {[0.9291]} {[0.7885]} {[0.6691]} {0×0 double} {0×0 double} {0×0 double}

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