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Problem in getting correct output for double diode model of pv array

5 views (last 30 days)
the following is the code for solving current equation of a double diode model of a pv array, it throws an error when I run it
% Parameters
I_L = 8.3; % Light-generated current
I_01 = 1.22e-12; % Reverse saturation current for diode 1
I_02 = 1.22e-12; % Reverse saturation current for diode 2
n_1 = 1.36; % Ideality factor for diode 1
n_2 = 2.34; % Ideality factor for diode 2
k = 1.380649e-23; % Boltzmann constant
q = 1.60217662e-19; % Electronic charge
T = 298.15; % Temperature
R_S = 0.221; % Series resistance
% Voltage range
V_min = 0;
V_max = 32.9;
V_step = 0.01;
V = V_min:V_step:V_max;
% Double diode model
I = zeros(size(V));
for i = 1:length(V)
f = @(x) I_L - I_01*(exp(q*(V(i)+x*R_S)/(n_1*k*T))-1) - I_02*(exp(q*(V(i)+x*R_S)/(n_2*k*T))-1) - x/R_S;
I(i) = fsolve(f, 33);
% Plot current vs voltage
xlabel('Voltage (V)');
ylabel('Current (A)');
title('Double Diode Model');
Joel Van Sickel
Joel Van Sickel on 22 May 2023
It's likely your equation for fsolve is incorrect, can you share the analytical formula that you are tryint to solve?
Aryan Sharma
Aryan Sharma on 25 May 2023
The equations used in the code are as follows:
  • Equation (1): Light-generated current (IL):
  • IL = I_L - I_01 * (exp(q * (V(i) + x * R_S) / (n_1 * k * T)) - 1) - I_02 * (exp(q * (V(i) + x * R_S) / (n_2 * k * T)) - 1)
  • Equation (2): Diode current for diode 1 (ID1):
  • ID1 = I_01 * (exp(q * (V(i) + x * R_S) / (n_1 * k * T)) - 1)
  • Equation (3): Diode current for diode 2 (ID2):
  • ID2 = I_02 * (exp(q * (V(i) + x * R_S) / (n_2 * k * T)) - 1)
  • Equation (4): Equation to solve for the current (I) at each voltage point:
  • f = @(x) I_L - I_01 * (exp(q * (V(i) + x * R_S) / (n_1 * k * T)) - 1) - I_02 * (exp(q * (V(i) + x * R_S) / (n_2 * k * T)) - 1) - x / R_S
These equations model the behavior of the double-diode photovoltaic module and are used to calculate the current (I) at different voltage (V) points within the specified range. The fsolve function is utilized to numerically solve the equation (4) and obtain the corresponding current values.

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Answers (1)

Sayan on 7 Sep 2023
I understand from your issue that the code you are trying to run to obtain the "I-V" characteristics of a PV cell array is throwing an error. Below are the possible workarounds for the issue:
  • The number of function evaluations can be increased for the "fsolve" function to overcome the error.
  • The initial condition to determine the value of current "I" defined in the "fsolve" function can be provided to the previous computed value of current rather than hard coding it to 33.
  • The last term in the function handle expression "f" should be dictating the current through the shunt resistance. But shunt resistance is not declared in the code, and the expression "x/R_s" is wrong.
  • The changes are shown in the below-mentioned code snippet. The code mentioned below should be included after the line "I = zeros(size(V));"
%declare the value of shunt resistance
R_sh=100;%say 100
%compute the initial value of current for 0 voltage
f1 = @(x) I_L - I_01*(exp(q*(x*R_S)/(n_1*k*T))-1) - I_02*(exp(q*(x*R_S)/(n_2*k*T))-1) - x*R_S/R_sh;
%declare the number of function evaluations for "fsolve" function
options = optimoptions('fsolve', 'MaxFunctionEvaluations', 1000);
for i = 2:length(V)
f = @(x) I_L - I_01*(exp(q*(V(i)+x*R_S)/(n_1*k*T))-1) - I_02*(exp(q*(V(i)+x*R_S)/(n_2*k*T))-1) - x*R_S/R_sh;%declare x*R_S/R_sh as the current through shunt branch
I(i) = fsolve(f,I(i-1),options);%provide the "options" to "fsolve" function call
%now plot the I-V data and change the value of the constants to meet the
%required curve
Further information on "fsolve" function can be found in the following documentation.
Hope this helps in resolving the issue.

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