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What license I need to freelance?

7 views (last 30 days)
brayantz on 6 May 2023
Commented: Walter Roberson on 7 May 2023
I would like a licence for MATLAB, and other products like Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox, MATLAB Report Generator, Mapping Toolbox.

Answers (1)

per isakson
per isakson on 6 May 2023
Edited: per isakson on 6 May 2023
These links says that you'll need: Standard or Startups(?) combined with Annual or Perpetual.
To be sure Contact sales.
  1 Comment
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 7 May 2023
Note that if your freelance business has existed for long enough, you might not be eligible for the Startup license -- not unless you create a new corporaton for it. For example if you mowed lawns as a high-school student, not working for an employer, then that self-employment could trigger "not new enough" issues unless you created a formal new freelance business.

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