Hi! How I can extract specific data

12 views (last 30 days)
Aknur on 27 Feb 2023
Commented: Rik on 28 Feb 2023
Hello everyone! Kindly ask help in clear data using indexing or other different methods. Appreciate any help
At the end I got this data and I need to write function or code which will take exactly data where the last three column in one row will be >=0 and <=3. My code is above. Please help me, I think I dont have enough knowledge to do it, but I have to do it. I really dont know how to do it. I need to use indexing but dont know how
2.0000 1.5000 0 5.3009
4.0000 1.5000 3.0000 0.6991
5.0000 1.5000 3.4558 0
6.0000 1.5000 1.5000 3.0000
clear all
close all
X0 = 1.5;
Y0 = 1.5;
Z0 = 3.0;
Theta0 = 30;
Phi0 = 90;
r = sqrt((X0 - 0)^2 + (Y0 - 0)^2 + (Z0 - 0)^2);
XBar = r * sind(Theta0) * cosd(Phi0) + X0;
YBar = r * sind(Theta0) * sind(Phi0) + Y0;
ZBar = r * cosd(Theta0) - Z0;
ThetaBar = Theta0;
PhiBar = Phi0;
fprintf('XBar: %f\n',XBar);
fprintf('YBar: %f\n',YBar);
fprintf('ZBar: %f\n',ZBar);
planes(:,:,1) = [0 3 3; 0 0 3; 0 3 0; 0 0 0; 0 0 0];
planes(:,:,2) = [0 0 3; 3 0 3; 0 0 0; 3 0 0; 0 0 0];
planes(:,:,3) = [3 0 3; 3 3 3; 3 0 0; 3 3 0; 3 0 0];
planes(:,:,4) = [3 3 3; 0 3 3; 3 3 0; 0 3 0; 0 3 3];
planes(:,:,5) = [0 3 0; 3 3 0; 0 0 0; 3 0 0; 0 0 0];
planes(:,:,6) = [0 3 3; 3 3 3; 0 0 3; 3 0 3; 0 0 3];
location_plane = 6;
jjj = [];
for j=1:6
plane = planes(:,:,j);
p0 = plane(1,:);
p1 = plane(2,:);
p2 = plane(3,:);
p3 = plane(4,:);
V0 = plane(5,:);
Ri = [X0 Y0 Z0];
Rr = [XBar YBar ZBar];
A = p0-p2;
B = p0-p3;
n=cross(A,B); % normal vector of the Plane
u = Rr-Ri;
sI = N / D;
I = Ri+ sI.*u;
if any(isnan(I))==0 || any(isinf(I))==0
%any(I > 0 & I < 3, "all")
jjj = [jjj j];
asd = [asd; I];
fprintf('I: %f\n',I);
F = sqrt((X-X0)^2 + (Y-Y0)^2 + (Z-Z0)^2);
fprintf('F: %f\n',F);
fprintf('sI: %f\n',sI);
fprintf('N: %f\n',N);
fprintf('D: %f\n',D);
fprintf('n: %f\n',n);
fprintf('X: %f\n',X);
fprintf('Y: %f\n',Y);
fprintf('Z: %f\n',Z);
p = j;
PPP = [jjj' asd]
if X == 0
ThetaBar = 90-Theta0;
fprintf('I: %f\n',I);
fprintf('plane: %f\n',j);
elseif X == 3
ThetaBar = 90-Theta0;
fprintf('I: %f\n',I);
fprintf('plane: %f\n',j);
elseif Y == 0
ThetaBar = 90 - Theta0;
fprintf('I: %f\n',I);
fprintf('plane: %f\n',j);
elseif Y == 3
ThetaBar = 90-Theta0;
fprintf('I: %f\n',I);
fprintf('plane: %f\n',j);
elseif Z == 0
ThetBar = Theta0;
fprintf('I: %f\n',I);
fprintf('plane: %f\n',j);
elseif Z == 3
ThetaBar = Theta0;
fprintf('I: %f\n',I);
fprintf('plane: %f\n',j);
  1 Comment
Rik on 28 Feb 2023
I recovered the removed content from the Google cache (something which anyone can do). Editing away your question is very rude. Someone spent time reading your question, understanding your issue, figuring out the solution, and writing an answer. Now you repay that kindness by ensuring that the next person with a similar question can't benefit from this answer.

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Accepted Answer

Askic V
Askic V on 27 Feb 2023
Hello Aknur,
This example code will perform task you specified.
% code which will take exactly data where the last three
% column in one row will be >=0 and <=3
A = [3 4 5 6 7 8;
1 2 5 3 1 2;
4 6 7 8 3 2;
8 9 1 0 1 2;
4 5 9 9 5 0];
% take last three columns of the matrix
B = A(:,end-2:end)
B = 5×3
6 7 8 3 1 2 8 3 2 0 1 2 9 5 0
% number of rows in B
Nr = size(B,1);
% matrix of logical values that satisfy criteria
C = B(1:Nr,:) >= 0 & B(1:Nr,:) <= 3;
% extract only those rows which all elements satisfy criteria
D = B(all(C,2),:)
D = 2×3
3 1 2 0 1 2
  1 Comment
Aknur on 27 Feb 2023
Hello @Askic V thank you sooooo much for crystal clear explanation, now I undersatnd with your simple example. I am so grateful for your help and explanation, no words. Thank you sooooooo much. Much much appreciate )))) Now it works and I am feel really happy that something works. Thank you again

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