""Unrecognized variable name 'Time'" I am getting this type of error during ploting , how I can fix this?
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Warning: Variable names were modified to make them valid MATLAB identifiers. The original names are saved in the VariableDescriptions
Error using check (line 12)
Unrecognized variable name 'Time'.
data_files_nr_mai = ls('*.csv');%list
const = 71.940; %upper_pyranometer_constant
%for jj = 1 : size(data_files_nr_mai,1);
data = readtable('KLOG0024.CSV');
time = data(:,{'Time'});
uper_p = data(:,{'Pyrn1_Avg'});
a = table2array(uper_p);
b = a .* const;
%for jj = 1 : size(data_files_nr_mai,1);
Accepted Answer
Jeffrey Clark
on 13 Feb 2023
@Ritesh, if you remove the first 2 header lines from the CSV it will work properly. There is probably an alternative to have MATLAB skip the first two lines but you would have to search the heirarcy of help for Create table from file - MATLAB readtable (mathworks.com) to see what options are needed to do so.
Jeffrey Clark
on 17 Feb 2023
@Ritesh if you will post one that works with your original code I may be able to tell you.
More Answers (1)
on 17 Feb 2023
The files are formatted slightly differently, as these screenshots show:

The READTABLE() documentation gives some options that specify the header size or data location, e.g.:
opt = {'VariableNamesLine',3, 'NumHeaderLines',2};
t08 = readtable('KLOG0008.csv', opt{:})
t24 = readtable('KLOG0024.csv', opt{:})
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