Extract data points from a plot corresponding to the plot legend
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I am trying to determine how to extract the data file from the plot.
Data has to correspond with the correct plot. Please help.
Accepted Answer
Les Beckham
on 7 Feb 2023
fig = openfig('ExampleData.fig'); % open and get a handle to the figure
% get(fig);
ax = get(fig, 'CurrentAxes'); % get handle to the axis in the figure
% get(ax);
lines = get(ax, 'Children'); % get handles to the lines which are children of the axis
% get(lines(1));
for i = 1:numel(lines) % extract the data from each of the lines
xdata{i} = lines(i).XData;
ydata{i} = lines(i).YData;
names{i} = lines(i).DisplayName;
names' % display the names to verify that they are in the right order (per the legend)
% looks like they aren't, create a new index vector to re-arrange them
idx = [6 5 4 3 2 1];
xdata = xdata(idx); % note regular parentheses here
ydata = ydata(idx);
names = names(idx);
names' % display the re-arranged names to verify that they are NOW in the right order (per the legend)
% whos
More Answers (1)
on 7 Feb 2023
Here's one way:
f = openfig('ExampleData.fig');
lines = findall(f,'Type','line')
line_props = cell(1,numel(lines));
for ii = 1:numel(lines)
line_props{ii} = get(lines(ii));
line_props = [line_props{:}];
Now you can use line_props to get whatever information about the lines you need.
For example, to get the XData and YData of the '90°Post Thermal Dec' line:
idx = find(strcmp({line_props.DisplayName},'90°Post Thermal Dec'));
data = [line_props(idx).XData(:) line_props(idx).YData(:)]
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