The description of the function exportgraphics says, that it produces a tightly cropped image. In my case it produces a tightly cropped PDF which is unfortunately a little bit too tight at the y-label. I tried rearranging the figure within the window, but exportgraphics does not change its output (which is the intended functionality). Unfortunately, in my case, this leads to a cut image.
The code:
set(groot,'defaultAxesFontName','PT Sans')
p = figure('Position', [455,503,879,400]);
ylabel('Label Example: i C', 'FontWeight', 'bold')
set(gca, 'FontSize', 14)
produces a slightly cut off y-label as you can see in this picture:
The large C as well as the small i are cut off at the top. The font 'PT Sans' is only needed to produce the exact image, but the problem is also happening with other fonts. At the other borders of my figure exportgraphics adds a small white space, as I would expect. This only happens for the y-label.
If you need further information, please comment and I will try to give it to you as soon as possible. Thanks in advance for the help.
Best regards