How to change corrplot line and scatter dots properties?

13 views (last 30 days)
Hi Eveyone,
I would like to change the properties of corrplot, like linewidth or color of the dot. How can I do that?
Also, is there any way to save only 1 plot in corrplot?
Thank you

Accepted Answer

Bora Eryilmaz
Bora Eryilmaz on 1 Jan 2023
Edited: Bora Eryilmaz on 2 Jan 2023
Get the handle of the plot out and modify the desired properties:
[~,~,h] = corrplot(rand(100,2))
h =
2×2 graphics array: Histogram Line Line Histogram
ans =
Line with properties: Color: [0 0 1] LineStyle: 'none' LineWidth: 0.5000 Marker: 'o' MarkerSize: 2 MarkerFaceColor: 'none' XData: [0.7873 0.5984 0.1201 0.1410 0.0083 0.1620 0.1182 0.1570 0.2894 0.5865 0.7984 0.4431 0.4161 0.4538 0.1486 0.1437 0.5509 0.3145 0.3455 0.3906 0.1897 0.6107 0.6898 0.6438 0.1894 0.7857 0.7490 0.6415 0.6582 0.0314 0.0351 0.4634 … ] YData: [0.2229 0.0350 0.4146 0.1456 0.0748 0.7509 0.7659 0.5506 0.1790 0.0956 0.3297 0.8241 0.6540 0.7515 0.1818 0.0070 0.3617 0.7087 0.3328 0.4187 0.6542 0.4051 0.7642 0.8023 0.5341 0.5813 0.8490 0.2850 0.8221 0.7120 0.4635 0.3704 … ] Show all properties
h(1,2).Color = 'r';
h(1,2).MarkerSize = 4;
The regression line's handle can be found as:
ans =
3×1 graphics array: Text (corrCoefs) Line (lsLines) Line
L = h(1,2).Parent.Children(2);
L.LineWidth = 3;

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