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How to model Phase Locked Loop in Simulink?

3 views (last 30 days)
Reema on 7 Dec 2022
Commented: Reema on 9 Dec 2022
I am trying to simulate a simple phase locked loop model in simulink. But for some reasons, the time for execution is stuck at 0%. I assume, the system is not getting feedback. The signal is a sine wave with freq = 10 Hz and Amplitude = 2. The parameters for the rest of the components are as default and I haven't changed anything. I am a bit confused with the paramaters that I need to change(if) in VCO. I am new to this topic so if someone could guide me with this, I'd appreciiate it.
Sharath Patil
Sharath Patil on 7 Dec 2022
Edited: Sharath Patil on 7 Dec 2022
Hi Reema,
What version of MATLAB are you using? Could you zoom in on the scope output near 0s to see if there's any activity?
I would also recommend you to watch this related video:
Reema on 9 Dec 2022
Thank you. I think I figured out the problem.

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