How do I get my variable to list in different columns of the ASCII file I am saving them to?

1 view (last 30 days)
When I run this script the variables all save to the same column, but I need them to be listed side by side. How do I get them to do this?
% Constants and initial conditions
theta = 30;
vel0 = 25;
y0 = 2;
g = 9.81; %m/s^2
d = ((vel0*cosd(theta))/g)*((vel0*sind(theta)) + sqrt((vel0*sind(theta))^2 + (2*g*y0)));
x = linspace(0, d, 50);
x = x';
for i=1:50
yT(i) = x(i) * tand(theta) - ((0.5) * ((x(i)^2 * g) / (vel0 * cosd(theta))^2)) + y0;
y = yT';
velX = vel0 * cosd(theta);
for i=1:50
velY = (vel0 * sind(theta))^2 - 2 * g * y(i);
velT(i) = sqrt(velX^2 + velY);
vel = velT';
final = [x, y, vel],
save('ProjectileKinematics.dat', 'x','y', 'vel', '-ascii')

Answers (1)

Voss on 12 Nov 2022
final = [x, y, vel];
save('ProjectileKinematics.dat', 'final', '-ascii')

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