Matlab is in the wrong working path, how to set it?

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i try to load a file, that is in the folder '/functions'
I tried to add this by addpath('\function) but this didnt work. Only addpath([pwd '/functions/']) works.
the command pwd and cs gives out the right directory but if i try to load the file it says:
Error using load
Unable to find file or directory 'C:\file.mat'.
It seems that the matlab is working in an other directory. I dont know how to change it.
I reinstalled matlab allready, but the prefferences are saved somewhere.
I also tried to set the paths(home/set paht) to default, didnt work
Can I set whole matlab to default?
Thanks for your help
Florian Scheible
Florian Scheible on 5 Oct 2022
pwd gives out the directory the script is in.
This folder includes the subfolder /function but it is not possible to include this one by a relative path
>> pwd
ans =
>> ls
. ROI_analysis runSpectralV3.m
.. display_functions spectralParamsV3_2D.m
Contast enhanced OCT.pdf functions spectralParamsV3_3D.m
Contrast enhanced OCT supplementary.pdf lymph_functions xml_io_tools
LICENSE reconstructParams.m runReconstruct.m
>> addpath('\xml_io_tools\');
Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: C:\xml_io_tools
> In path (line 109)
In addpath (line 86)
Stephen23 on 5 Oct 2022
Edited: Stephen23 on 5 Oct 2022
"pwd gives out the directory the script is in. "
No, PWD gives the current directory. Whether the script is in the current directory or not is irrelevant to PWD.
"This folder includes the subfolder /function.."
There is no directory named FUNCTION in the LS output you show. But there is one named FUNCTIONS.
"but it is not possible to include this one by a relative path"
Why are you still attempting to use relative paths with ADDPATH?:
As I already explained here, ADDPATH accepts only absolute filenames.

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Answers (1)

Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson on 5 Oct 2022
Generate full (or relative) path to the file you want to load:
data_dir = '/home/me/data';
data_file = 'mydata.mat';
file2load = fullfile(data_dir,data_file);
Load said file:
Use the matlab-path for its intended purpose: expand the search-tree of toolboxes with matlab-functions.


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