Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 0.

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Hi Everyone,
I am trying to run a loop but it gave me this error at a certain point. How can I solve it please?
Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 0.
Error in tracking_Phasics_rev7_20x_BTK (line 97)
filelist = dir([froot, fstart, 'Pos', char(LocList(Loc)), '_*', fext]);
Error in f2_RunTrackingCodeScript_20x_honey (line 16)
tracking_Phasics_rev7_20x_BTK(FRoot{dd}, fstart); %Use rev2 for 40, rev1 for 120 images rev3 for colonies, rev4 for 48 images colonies, rev5 for 114

Answers (1)

Apeksha Bagrecha
Apeksha Bagrecha on 3 Oct 2022
From the error message "Index exceeds the number of array element (0)", it seems that target PC settings are corrupted. Execute the below command in the command window:
>> slrtprefdir
Please navigate to the directory and delete all the contents in that specific folder. Then, please restart MATLAB. This specific procedure will clear out your SLRT preferences and you need to set up the target properties again, but this should most likely resolve the issue.
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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 3 Oct 2022
I don't think this is appropriate in the current situation.
In the context of the code, there are two possibilities:
  1. That LocList might be empty, so LocList(loc) would fail ; OR
  2. that LocList(loc) might be find, and the creation of the character vector [] might be fine, but that dir had previously been assigned to be an empty array instead of being a MATLAB function call at that point in the code.
Corrupted preferences are unlikely to be relevant for either of those possibilities.

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