How to find sx and sy and F intrinsix matrix in camera calibration

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I have a problem where I need to find the focal length of the camera at hand. I have calibrated the camera and obtained the parameters including fx = sx*F and fy=sy*F. But I have situation where I need to find the focal length 'F'.
How should I do it?
Suraj Sudhakar
Suraj Sudhakar on 19 Sep 2022
@William Rose I used the camera calibration toolbox, but I have realised I do not need the focal length information. Thank you for your help.

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Accepted Answer

Matt J
Matt J on 15 Sep 2022
Edited: Matt J on 15 Sep 2022
You can only find the focal length if you know the pixel sizes at the image plane. There's probably no way you can get it, but I also tend to doubt that you really need it. Why do you think you do?
  1 Comment
Suraj Sudhakar
Suraj Sudhakar on 19 Sep 2022
@Matt J I wanted to locate the sharpest object in an image using the distance and focal length information. But you are correct. It is not really necessary. I have found other easier methods. But thank you for the answer.

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