Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is 1-by-3 and the size of the right side is 1-by-2.

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% system of first order differential equation
% y1' = y2;
% y2' = y3;
% y3' = (1-phi).^2.5*[(1-phi)+phi*(rows/rowp)*(y1*y3-y1.^2)-M*y2+lamda*y4*((1-phi)+phi*(rowbetas/rowbetaf))]
% y4' = y5;
% y5' = -(3*N*pr*kf*[(1-phi)+phi*(rowcps/rowcpf)]/(3*N+4)*knf)*y1*y5;
%with boundary condition y1(0) = 0, y2(0)=1, y3(0)=0.078, y4(0) = 1, y5(0)=?
phi = 0.01;
lamda = 1;
M = 2;
Ec = 2;
N = 1.5;
pr = 6.2;
rows =8933 ;
ks = 401;
cps =385 ;
rowbetas = 8933*1.67*10.^-5;
betas = 1.67*10.^-5;
% rows =3970 ;
% ks =40 ;
% cps =765;
%betas = 0.85*10.^-5;
rowf = 997.1;
kf = 0.613;
cpf = 4179;
betaf = 21*10.^-5;
rowbetaf = 997.1*21*10.^-5;
rowcpf = 997.1*4179;
% constants
A1 = (1-phi)+phi*(rows/rowf);
A2 = (1-phi)+phi*(rowbetas/rowbetaf);
A3 = (1-phi)+phi*(rowcps/rowcpf);
A = (1-phi).^2.5;
A4 = -(3*N*pr*kf/(3*N+4)*knf);
knf = kf*(ks+2*kf-2*phi*(kf-ks)/ks+2*kf+phi*(kf-ks));
%% solve ODE-IVP using RK-4 Method
% range of independent variable η
eta_0 = 0;
eta_max = 5;
% Initial conditions
f0 = 0;
g0 = 1;
h0 = -0.74878322
l0 = 1;
m0 = 0.2356
% Step value Δη
d_eta = 0.001;
N = (eta_max - eta_0)/ d_eta;
err= 1;
%% Initializing solution
eta = eta_0 : d_eta : eta_max; % X coordinate for plot function
while err >10^-9
F = zeros(N+1,3); % f = F(N+1,1) ; g = F(N+1,2) ; h = F(N+1,3) ;
F(1,:) = [f0 g0 h0];
G = zeros(N+1,2);
G(1,:) = [l0 m0]; %l = G(N+1,1); m = G(N+1,2); j let us choose artbitrary for two values
%% Trail using RK-4 Method
for i = 1:N
k11(i,:) = d_eta*[G(i,2) A4*A3*F(i,1)*G(i,2)];
k1(i,:) = d_eta* [F(i,2) F(i,3) A*(A1*(F(i,1)*F(i,3)-F(i,2).^2)-M*F(i,2)+lamda*A2*G(i,1))] ;
k12(i,:) = d_eta*[G(i,2)+k11(i,1)/2 A4*A3*F(i,1)+k1(i,1)/2*G(i,2)+k11(i,2)/2];
k2(i,:) = d_eta* [F(i,2)+k1(i,2)/2 F(i,3)+k1(i,3)/2 A*(A1*(F(i,1)+k1(i,1)/2*F(i,3)+k1(i,3)/2-F(i,2).^2+k1(i,2)/2)-M*F(i,2)+k1(i,2)/2+lamda*A2*G(i,1)+k11(i,1)) ];
k13(i,:) = d_eta*[G(i,2)+k12(i,1)/2 A4*A3*F(i,1)+k2(i,1)/2*G(i,2)+k12(i,2)/2];
k3(i,:) = d_eta* [F(i,2)+k2(i,2)/2 F(i,3)+k2(i,3)/2 A*(A1*(F(i,1)+k2(i,1)/2*F(i,3)+k2(i,3)/2-F(i,2).^2+k2(i,2)/2)-M*F(i,2)+k2(i,2)/2+lamda*A2*G(i,1)+k12(i,1)/2) ];
k14(i,:) = d_eta*[G(i,2)+k13(i,1) A4*A3*F(i,1)+k3(i,1)*G(i,2)+k13(i,2)];
k4(i,:) = d_eta* [F(i,2)+k3(i,2) F(i,3)+k3(i,3) A*(A1*(F(i,1)+k3(i,1)*F(i,3)+k3(i,3)-F(i,2).^2+k3(i,2))-M*F(i,2)+k3(i,2)+lamda*A2*G(i,1)+k13(i,1))];
G(i+1,:) = G(i,:)+(1/6)*(k11(i,:)+2*k12(i,:)+2*k13(i,:)+k14(i,:));
F(i+1,:) = F(i,:)+(1/6)*(k1(i,:)+2*k2(i,:)+2*k3(i,:)+k4(i,:));
%% plotting
f1.Units = 'normalized';
f1.Position = [0.1 0.1 0.8 0.6];

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 3 Sep 2022
d_eta = 0.001;
N = (eta_max - eta_0)/ d_eta;
You use N as a size, so you are assuming that it is an integer. However, 0.001 is not exactly representatable in IEEE 754 double precision floating point, so dividing by 0.001 is not certain to give you back an integer, and is not exactly the same as multiplying by 1000.


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