How to extract different element between two cell array?

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I have two array
X1 = {'A','B','C','D'}
x2 = {'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H'}
and I want to create a row having element not found in A i.e.
X3 ={ 'E','F','G','H'}

Accepted Answer

Dave B
Dave B on 5 Aug 2022
Edited: Dave B on 5 Aug 2022
How about using ismember combined with not (~)?
X1 = {'A','B','C','D'}
X1 = 1×4 cell array
{'A'} {'B'} {'C'} {'D'}
x2 = {'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H'}
x2 = 1×8 cell array
{'A'} {'B'} {'C'} {'D'} {'E'} {'F'} {'G'} {'H'}
X3 = x2(~ismember(x2,X1))
X3 = 1×4 cell array
{'E'} {'F'} {'G'} {'H'}

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