Using structures with Functions

14 views (last 30 days)
I have a structure that I am using to simplify the workspace.
I have a structure called Condition defined so that I have multiple variables and each variable has an array for multiple conditions
Condition.Title(1) = {'test 1'};
Condition.Variable_a(1) = 1000
Condition.Variable_b(1) = 10
Condition.Title(2) = {'test 2'};
Condition.Variable_a(2) = 2000
Condition.Variable_b(2) = 20
such that
Condition =
Title: {'test 1' 'test 2'}
Variable_a: [1000 2000
Variable_b: [10 20]
I want to feed all the variables of a single condition into a function so I tried using this
I hoped this would give me Title(1), Variable_a(1), and Variable_b(1) but it just gives me the entire stucture as if I had no index.
There are a number of variables so I don't want to enter each variable individually if I can avoid it
Is there a way to call all of the variables into a function with only a single column from the arrays?

Accepted Answer

Stephen23 on 1 Aug 2022
Edited: Stephen23 on 1 Aug 2022
Rather than defining a scalar structure containing arrays, it looks like you should be using a non-scalar structure:
For example:
Condition(1).Title = 'test 1';
Condition(1).Variable_a = 1000;
Condition(1).Variable_b = 10;
Condition(2).Title = 'test 2';
Condition(2).Variable_a = 2000;
Condition(2).Variable_b = 20;
ans = struct with fields:
Title: 'test 1' Variable_a: 1000 Variable_b: 10
ans = struct with fields:
Title: 'test 2' Variable_a: 2000 Variable_b: 20
Note that you can use comma-separated lists to obtain and assign data to the structure:
  1 Comment
Jeremy Mercer
Jeremy Mercer on 1 Aug 2022
Thanks I didn't understand the difference between the two input method. This may work for me but I did have it in that form earlier and ran into issues. I'll have to reassess what that issue was and see if I can work around it as I believe a non-scaler structure will be easier to deal with.

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More Answers (1)

Matt J
Matt J on 1 Aug 2022
Edited: Matt J on 1 Aug 2022
@Stephen23's answer might be what you are looking for, but if you need the struct in scalar form for some reason, then the attached utility will split the fields for one-time purposes.
Condition.Title(1) = {'test 1'};
Condition.Variable_a(1) = 1000;
Condition.Variable_b(1) = 10;
Condition.Title(2) = {'test 2'};
Condition.Variable_a(2) = 2000;
Condition.Variable_b(2) = 20;
ans = struct with fields:
Title: {'test 1'} Variable_a: 1000 Variable_b: 10
ans = struct with fields:
Title: {'test 2'} Variable_a: 2000 Variable_b: 20


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