Improve speed of linear interpolation in nested loops
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Alessandro D
on 24 Jul 2022
Commented: Alessandro D
on 30 Aug 2022
I have to do 1-dimensional linear interpolation many times within 4 nested loops. My X-grid is sorted so I can use interp1q but the code is still slow for my purposes. I managed to do a simple vectorization that eliminates the innermost loop (so I have only 3 loops instead of 4) and it's much faster, but unfortunately still not fast enough for my problem. Any suggestions on how to improve speed? Thanks
I report below a MWE (please, bear in mind that in my real problem the grids are larger)
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nx = 40; % grid size for x
nb = 45; % grid size for b
nk = 55;
b_min = -100;
b_max = 300;
% Generate fake data
pol_debt = b_min+(b_max-b_min)*rand(nk,nb,nx); % in [b_min,b_max]
pol_kp_ind = randi([1,nk],nk,nb,nx); % integers in {1,2,..,nk}
pol_exitp = rand(nb,nx,nk); % in [0,1]
b_gridp = zeros(nb,nk);
for k_c =1:nk
% in general, the columns of b_gridp are *not* equal to each other
%b_gridp(:,k_c) = linspace(b_min,b_max,nb)'; %EDITED HERE
b_gridp(:,k_c) = linspace(b_min+rand,b_max-rand,nb)';
%% Slow, not vectorized code
stay_arr = zeros(nx,nk,nb,nx);
for x_c = 1:nx % current x
for b_c = 1:nb % current debt
for k_c = 1:nk % current capital
for xp_c = 1:nx
bnext = pol_debt(k_c,b_c,x_c);
knext_ind = pol_kp_ind(k_c,b_c,x_c);
pol_exit_bx = pol_exitp(:,xp_c,knext_ind); % dim: (nb,1)
dexit_inter = interp1q(b_gridp(:,knext_ind),pol_exit_bx,bnext); % scalar
dexit = min(max(dexit_inter,0),1); % scalar
stay_arr(xp_c,k_c,b_c,x_c) = 1-dexit; % scalar
end %k_c
end %b_c
end %x_c
%% This is a faster but not fast enough!
stay_arr2 = zeros(nx,nk,nb,nx);
for x_c = 1:nx % current x
for b_c = 1:nb % current debt
for k_c = 1:nk % current capital
bnext = pol_debt(k_c,b_c,x_c);
knext_ind = pol_kp_ind(k_c,b_c,x_c);
pol_exit_bx = pol_exitp(:,:,knext_ind); % dim: (nb,nx)
dexit_inter = interp1q(b_gridp(:,knext_ind),pol_exit_bx,bnext); % dim is (1,nx')
dexit = min(max(dexit_inter,0),1); % dim is (1,nx')
stay_arr2(:,k_c,b_c,x_c) = 1-dexit;
end %k_c
end %b_c
end %x_c
err = max(abs(stay_arr-stay_arr2),[],'all')
Accepted Answer
Bruno Luong
on 25 Jul 2022
Edited: Bruno Luong
on 25 Jul 2022
This seems to work
close all
nx = 40; % grid size for x
nb = 45; % grid size for b
nk = 55;
b_min = -100;
b_max = 300;
% Generate fake data
pol_debt = b_min+(b_max-b_min)*rand(nk,nb,nx); % in [b_min,b_max]
pol_kp_ind = randi([1,nk],nk,nb,nx); % integers in {1,2,..,nk}
pol_exitp = rand(nb,nx,nk); % in [0,1]
b_gridp = zeros(nb,nk);
for k_c =1:nk
% in general, the columns of b_gridp are *not* equal to each other
b_gridp(:,k_c) = linspace(b_min,b_max,nb)';
disp('start code')
stay_arr = zeros(nx,nk,nb,nx);
for x_c = 1:nx % current x
for b_c = 1:nb % current debt
for k_c = 1:nk % current capital
for xp_c = 1:nx
bnext = pol_debt(k_c,b_c,x_c);
knext_ind = pol_kp_ind(k_c,b_c,x_c);
pol_exit_bx = pol_exitp(:,xp_c,knext_ind); % dim: (nb,1)
dexit_inter = interp1q(b_gridp(:,knext_ind),pol_exit_bx,bnext); % scalar
dexit = min(max(dexit_inter,0),1); % scalar
stay_arr(xp_c,k_c,b_c,x_c) = 1-dexit; % scalar
end %k_c
end %b_c
end %x_c
%% Full vectorized code
bgridcommon = b_gridp(:,1);
Y = interp1(bgridcommon,(1:nb)',pol_debt); % nk x nb x nx
Yt = max(min(Y,nb-1),1); % no need if there is no overflowed in the data
I = floor(Yt); % nk x nb x nx
W = Y-I;
[I,J]=ndgrid(I,1:nx); % (nk x nb x nx) x nx
K = repmat(pol_kp_ind,[1 1 1 nx]);
K = reshape(K,size(I));
rhsilin = sub2ind(size(pol_exitp),I,J,K); % (nk x nb x nx) x nx;
rhsilin = reshape(rhsilin, [nk,nb,nx,nx]);
dexit_inter = (1-W).*pol_exitp(rhsilin) + W.*pol_exitp(rhsilin+1);
dexit_inter = permute(dexit_inter, [4 1 2 3]); % [nx,nk,nb,nx]
dexit = min(max(dexit_inter,0),1);
stay_arr2 = 1-dexit;
err = norm(stay_arr2(:)-stay_arr(:),Inf)
Bruno Luong
on 26 Jul 2022
Edited: Bruno Luong
on 26 Jul 2022
Sorry forget my comment above about loop. The bin interval is not the first index. Here is the code corrected that works for variable bin vectors.
nx = 40; % grid size for x
nb = 45; % grid size for b
nk = 55;
b_min = -100;
b_max = 300;
% Generate fake data
pol_debt = b_min+(b_max-b_min)*rand(nk,nb,nx); % in [b_min,b_max]
pol_kp_ind = randi([1,nk],nk,nb,nx); % integers in {1,2,..,nk}
pol_exitp = rand(nb,nx,nk); % in [0,1]
b_gridp = zeros(nb,nk);
for k_c =1:nk
% in general, the columns of b_gridp are *not* equal to each other
b_gridp(:,k_c) = linspace(b_min-rand(),b_max+rand(),nb)';
disp('start code')
stay_arr = zeros(nx,nk,nb,nx);
for x_c = 1:nx % current x
for b_c = 1:nb % current debt
for k_c = 1:nk % current capital
for xp_c = 1:nx
bnext = pol_debt(k_c,b_c,x_c);
knext_ind = pol_kp_ind(k_c,b_c,x_c);
pol_exit_bx = pol_exitp(:,xp_c,knext_ind); % dim: (nb,1)
dexit_inter = interp1q(b_gridp(:,knext_ind),pol_exit_bx,bnext); % scalar
dexit = min(max(dexit_inter,0),1); % scalar
stay_arr(xp_c,k_c,b_c,x_c) = 1-dexit; % scalar
end %k_c
end %b_c
end %x_c
%% Full vectorized code
K = pol_kp_ind;
bminK = reshape(b_gridp(1,K),size(K));
bmaxK = reshape(b_gridp(nb,K),size(K));
Y = 1 + (nb-1) * (pol_debt - bminK) ./ (bmaxK-bminK);
Yt = max(min(Y,nb-1),1); % no need if there is no overflowed in the data
I = floor(Yt); % nk x nb x nx
W = Y-I;
[I,J]=ndgrid(I,1:nx); % (nk x nb x nx) x nx
K = reshape(repmat(K,[1 1 1 nx]),size(I));
rhsilin = sub2ind(size(pol_exitp),I,J,K); % (nk x nb x nx) x nx;
rhsilin = reshape(rhsilin, [nk,nb,nx,nx]);
dexit_inter = (1-W).*pol_exitp(rhsilin) + W.*pol_exitp(rhsilin+1);
dexit_inter = permute(dexit_inter, [4 1 2 3]); % [nx,nk,nb,nx]
dexit = min(max(dexit_inter,0),1);
stay_arr2 = 1-dexit;
err = norm(stay_arr2(:)-stay_arr(:),Inf)
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