Change name of image file

11 views (last 30 days)
Olu adroit
Olu adroit on 7 Feb 2015
Edited: Image Analyst on 8 Feb 2015
Hi all, Please how can i change the name of an existing image file. I have used "imread" to read the image and "imwrite" to export with the name that i want. But the exported image is in greyscale and not coloured.
Please how can I export the imported coloured and a coloured file?
thanks in advance

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 8 Feb 2015
Use movefile() to rename files:
movefile(oldFileName, newFileName);
Olu adroit
Olu adroit on 8 Feb 2015
Thanks image analyst. Please how can I put timestamp on the newFileName ? Thanks for your help
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 8 Feb 2015
Edited: Image Analyst on 8 Feb 2015
If you want to rename but use the current time as the timestamp, I'd use copyfile() instead of movefile(). This will create a brand new file that I think should have the current time. Then you can delete the source file. Be aware that Windows maintains three different times stamps for a file: created, modified, and last accessed. If not all 3 are changed with copyfile(), then you'll have to first call imread() and then call imwrite() to create a totally brand new file and this will definitely have all three times as the current time.
Use fileparts() and sprintf() to create the brand new filename. For example
imageArray = imread(oldFileName);
[folder, baseFileName, ext] = fileparts(oldFileName);
% Change base file name and extension.
newBaseFileName= sprintf('%s_changed.PNG', baseFileName);
newFullFileName = fullfile(folder, newBaseFileName);
imwrite(imageArray, newFullFileName); % New file will be PNG instead of TIF

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More Answers (1)

Erik S.
Erik S. on 8 Feb 2015
Hi, Use this code to generate a time stamp datestr(now);
With this Matlab returns date-month-year Hour:Min:Sec You can use for example strsplit if you want a part of the date of the time only.


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