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How can I create a quadratic matrix with variables?

3 views (last 30 days)
I need to create the matrix of such that i get the matrix and so on? I need all the elements of the nxn matrix to be variables. I tried with :
syms q1dot q2dot q3dot q4dot q5dot;
qdot= [q1dot q2dot q3dot q4dot q5dot].'*[q1dot q2dot q3dot q4dot q5dot];
but it doesn't seem to work. Many thanks.

Answers (2)

KSSV on 7 Jul 2022
syms q [1 5] real
iwant = q'*q
iwant = 

Karim on 7 Jul 2022
you do not need to use .' in this case, only use the transpose operator:
syms q1dot q2dot q3dot q4dot q5dot real
qdot= [q1dot q2dot q3dot q4dot q5dot]' * [q1dot q2dot q3dot q4dot q5dot]
qdot = 

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