Compare table variables with input list and replace missing vars with NA
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I have a set of data attached in output.csv file which I would like to compare with my masterlist in txt file and see if there's anything missing, if there is a variable missing I want to add it and put its points as NA. How do i do that?
Thanks in advance.
Accepted Answer
on 30 Jun 2022
You could do it like this:
[~,output] = xlsread('output.csv', 'A:A'); %reading the Names column from output.csv
masterlist = importdata('masterlist.txt'); %reading the data from masterlist.txt
diff = setdiff(masterlist, output); %finding the variables missing in output.csv after comparing it with the variables in masterlist.txt
NA_cell = cell(size(diff)); %creating a cell array with the same dimension as diff array
NA_cell(:) = {'NA'}; % populating it with 'NA'
diff = [diff NA_cell]; %concatenating NA into the diff array
writecell(diff, 'output.csv', 'WriteMode', 'append'); %appending the diff matrix into the output.csv
Hope this solves your issue!
More Answers (2)
Eric Sofen
on 30 Jun 2022
Readtable and outerjoin do the trick (xlsread is discouraged at this point - readtable is preferred). FYI, there's also a join Live Task that you can use in the Live Editor to explore different join options interactively.
t = readtable("",Delimiter=",");
m = readtable("",Delimiter=",", ReadVariableNames=false);
m.Properties.VariableNames(1) = "Names";
per isakson
on 2 Jul 2022
This should work with 2017b.
fid = fopen( 'output.csv', 'rt' );
output_csv = textscan( fid, '%s%*f', 'Headerlines',1, 'Delimiter',',' );
[~] = fclose( fid );
fid = fopen( 'masterlist.txt', 'rt' );
masterlist = textscan( fid, '%s' );
[~] = fclose( fid );
lacking = setdiff( masterlist{1}, output_csv{1} );
fid = fopen( 'output.csv', 'a' );
for cac = reshape( lacking, 1,[] )
[~] = fprintf( fid, '%s,%s\r\n', cac{1}, 'NA' );
[~] = fclose( fid );
dbtype output.csv 96:102
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